Capitalism has the capacity to overcome crisis by radically transforming itself periodically so that economic growth and profitability can continue; by virtue of such a transformation towards 'New Capitalism' the modification of restructuring relations between economic, political and social domains occurred.
The common idea of new capitalism as a 'knowledge-based' socio-economic order implies that it is also discourse-driven. The significance of language in these transformations endow with the performative power to bring into the very realities of globalization, governance, flexibility and employability. Global space is represented as an entity, a place, 'the modern world' and it is a participant, rather than a circumstance. It is the passive subject and the logical object, which functions as an intermediate stretch of time which includes both pre and post-dates.
In Critical Discourse, interdiscursive analysis of texts is the mediating level of analysis, which is crucial in to integrating social and linguistic analysis. Under the manner of 'semiosis' social practices are networked so that to describe a particular social field. Social change is change in the networking and therefore, scalar changes in relations between global, regional, national and local configurations, discourses and styles.
A language defines a certain potential, certain possibilities and at the same time excludes others. But texts as elements of social events are not simply the effects of potentials defined by languages. They exhibit intermediate organizational entities of a specifically linguistic sort; hence, they manifest the linguistic moments of networks of social practices like orders of discourse.
Conference Call: 1st International Conference on ESP, EAP and Applied Linguistics
1st International Conference on ESP, EAP and Applied Linguistics University of Thessaly, Volos, 26-27 September 2020 Deadline for submi...

Structural Ambiguities Ambiguity deals with coherence and understanding . In our life when we say that something is ambiguous we mean that ...
Bernd Heine argues for the two types of modality , that is agent-oriented (also known as deontic root, objective, and pragmatic) and epis...
Introduction There is a strong connection between meaning and reference, as they both share common similarities and illustrate the way ...