It has been observed that in persuasive language and by the term 'persuasive' encompassing genres such as politics, ads, literary texts and most of all poetry the metaphorical system is dominant.
In post-modern works; for instance in Oslon, Cage, Duncan, Bukowski, Owen, Palmer, Davidson, Bernstein, Pulmer, North, Trinidad and in many others the loss of self metaphor is juxtaposed and embedded. The self is regarded as the totality of facts and things. Facts refer to state of affairs, situations, experience and things to more objective entities such as the human body in itself (especially the female one).
From a linguistic aspect- or to put it better from a more Cognitive view the metaphor lies on the embodiment condition. With respect to this, language shapes meaning and meaning shapes feelings and emotions. In virtue of emotive language the metaphor and especially the loss of self metaphor is used as the vehicle for expression.
A person is presented as a dual entity.It is understood as a group of entities: the Subject & the Self. This distinction is applied on the basis of conceptualizing a holistic system of experiences (such as imagining ourselves as being someone else).—A person is the totality of Subject and Self. The experiencing consciousness is the Subject. The bodily and functional aspects constitute the Self due to a spatial relationship between Subject & Self. Hence,the metaphor is a way of conceptualizing a wide range of real experiences both positive & negative. The conceptualization of conscious control in terms of Self & Subject presupposes that the Subject possesses and controls the Self. If control is lost, possession is also lost.
Conference Call: 1st International Conference on ESP, EAP and Applied Linguistics
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