Do we always speak of what we mean? How can we really define the counterparts of meaning? In a sentence like “Shakespeare is the author of Romeo and Juliet” the proper name Shakespeare is in predicate position as it identifies a quality or an activity of the entity and should not be simply regarded as an instance of direct reference. Language can be “misleading” in some cases, as not all referring expressions necessarily convey reference.
Conference Call: 1st International Conference on ESP, EAP and Applied Linguistics
1st International Conference on ESP, EAP and Applied Linguistics University of Thessaly, Volos, 26-27 September 2020 Deadline for submi...

Structural Ambiguities Ambiguity deals with coherence and understanding . In our life when we say that something is ambiguous we mean that ...
Bernd Heine argues for the two types of modality , that is agent-oriented (also known as deontic root, objective, and pragmatic) and epis...
Introduction There is a strong connection between meaning and reference, as they both share common similarities and illustrate the way ...